Hosting Your Own Cloud With Pydio

Last year I was looking for a cloud hosting solution and I decided on Pydio and even wrote up a install guide ( Some time has gone by and I’ve updated those instructions for the latest version of Pydio (6.4.1 currently) and also to be a purely 64-bit install (PHP 7 x64, MySql 5.7 x64, etc). The overall effect on a Server 2012 / IIS 8.5 install is quicker performance and less issues with large data syncs. I’ve also updated it to include information on SMB shares so you can access your existing Windows based file server from your cloud server so you are not duplicating files. Here is the new install guide:


9 thoughts on “Hosting Your Own Cloud With Pydio

  1. Hi there, total noob here used this guide to setup pydio but came across a problem that i cant really troubleshoot. Everything works smooth and great except the fact that any file or folder with greek characters in their name wont be indexed and non of the setlocale functions work. Accented like Tèé$çt@.png work though. Quick question since i have zero knowledge upon the subject. Is it possible that the web.config files created in the guide are responsible for this?

    Thanks a lot for your effort put in to the guide
    Great work 🙂

    1. I highly doubt the web.config’s would have any effect on the indexing…’s probably part of the indexing add on for Pydio. Your best bet is to ask on the Pydio forums at , they would be better at answering your questions post install.

      1. Cheers for the answer!
        Already have started a thread, but since from what was proposed there nothing worked, i thought i’d ask here, mostly because of my ignorance concerning the .configs.
        I will keep trying things.

        Thanks again for the great guide!

  2. Hi Allan. I noticed one error in your .PDF on setting this up on x64. The part you have about creating the registry entry, your statement to the path to PHP is to C:\Program Files (x86) but should be C:\Program Files\PHP

    1. Ahhh…for enabling PHP command line. You are right….copy and pasted from the old guide and missed that. I’ll get it fixed and re-uploaded. The server I have this on had both PHP 5.x 32 bit and 7.x 64 bit so it didn’t pop up as a error for me so I probably figured it was correct. Thanks for the catch.

  3. Hi Allan. Thanks a lot for this great work. I had a few problems with Folder-security, but I thinks its done (my Plugin-Folder was only readable for the apppool User, in fact the system did strange things). Now I wanted to test the Enterprise Version of Pydio but I didn’t get it work because of Ioncube. This (whatever it does) seems not to be 64bit IIS compatible and I did not find a workaround.
    Did I do a mistake or is the Enterprise of Pydio useless without IonCube? – maybe you have an answer… Thanks a lot,

    1. I’ve never used the Enterprise version so I’m not sure. I will say that my old guide is 32-bit based with a 32-bit PHP so you might want to try that guide and see if it works. With that said the 64-bit setup seems much faster…

  4. Hi
    Thanks for this guide. I’m sure it helps a lot of people.
    Just wanted to notice you about the settings:
    “default_socket_timeout” in the php.ini
    I had to set it to “60”. (by default it’s on 0)
    Without this settings, I was unable to checking the updates and i got some errors regarding MySQL connexion.

    1. Brice – Possibly yours was changed at one time to 0 but the default_socket_timeout in the php.ini.production file (PHP 7.0.*) is already 60. Maybe you had a unique PHP install or changed it in the past but it should have been 60 already.

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